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Strata Solar将在北卡罗来纳州建造农场

  【IT168 厂商动态】2013年4月9日,加利福尼亚州- 昱辉阳光集团(纽交所:SOL)一家全球领先的太阳能硅片和光伏组件制造商,今天宣布,已与美国优异的太阳能开发商和EPC公司Strata Solar签约,为其提供超过108,000片、300W高效Virtus II (72片电池片)多晶太阳能组件。Strata Solar是美国一家优异的太阳能开发商和工程承包商,它将在北卡罗来纳州建造5个6.5兆瓦的太阳能农场。

  “昱辉阳光牢牢把握材料供应链,使其使用的硅片、电池和其他关键的组件材料可视性好,”Strata Solar公司的首席执行官 Markus Wilhelm说, “我们选择昱辉阳光组件是因为其极具竞争力的价格、高效性的产品以及可靠的交付时间。而且,我们更愿意相信昱辉阳光这样通过其专有的硅片技术来提高组件效率和使组件具备更好的温度系数,而不是试图通过更低成本的电池环节来实现这样的效果。”

  “我们知道Strata在组件供应商方面有很多的选择,”昱辉阳光首席执行官李仙寿先生说,“能够满足例如Strata Solar这样公司的期望和严格的调查,充分体现了昱辉阳光产品的质量、性能,以及在市场上的领导地位。我们很高兴能与Strata Solar在这个多重公用事业项目进行合作,昱辉阳光和Strata Solar通过使用昱辉阳光高品质光伏产品之间的合作,使得该项目成为极具成本效益的解决方案,正是因为确信这两家拥有巨大后劲的公司能够做到这点,投资者和银行都拥有非常大的信心。”

  根据合约条款,昱辉阳光将在今年的6、7月间将组件运送到Strata Solar的施工现场。Strata Solar将建造5个6.5兆瓦的太阳能农场,每个农场将使用21677片来自昱辉阳光的太阳能组件。

  ReneSola to Provide 32.5 MW of 300 W Modules to Strata Solar

  Strata Solar to Build Five 6.5 MW Solar Farms in North Carolina

  SAN FRANCISCO, California, April 9, 2013 – ReneSola Ltd (“ReneSola” or the “Company”) (NYSE: SOL), a leading global manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (“PV”) modules and wafers, today announced it has agreed to provide more than 108,000 of its 300 watt (“W”) high-efficiency Virtus II 72-cell polycrystalline solar modules to Strata Solar, LLC (“Strata Solar”), one of the top solar developers and EPCs in the United States, for use in five 6.5-megawatt (“MW”) solar farms in North Carolina.

  “ReneSola has a firm grip on its material supply chain and excellent visibility into the availability of silicon for its wafers, cells and other key module components,” said Markus Wilhelm, chief executive officer of Strata Solar. “We selected ReneSola for its competitive price per watt, high-efficiency solar modules and reliable delivery schedules . Moreover, we prefer ReneSola’s ability to increase module efficiencies and improve temperature coefficients through its proprietary wafer technology, as opposed to the less economical route of trying to achieve such milestones on the cell side.”

  “We recognize Strata Solar has many choices when selecting module suppliers,” said Mr. Xianshou Li, chief executive officer of ReneSola. “Being able to meet the expectations and strict due diligence requirements of firms such as Strata Solar demonstrates the quality and performance of our products, as well as our leadership in the marketplace. We’re thrilled to provide Strata Solar with our high-quality modules for this multiple array utility scale project. This project shows the confidence investors and banks have in the ability of both our firms to deliver cost-effective solutions with tremendous staying power.”

  According to the terms of the contract, ReneSola will deliver its solar modules to Strata Solar project sites in June and July of this year. The five 6.5 MW solar farms will utilize 21,677 ReneSola modules each.
